Saturday, November 20, 2010

one-eyed batman

Date of origin: November 19, 2010

Who said it: Hachi

Story: The three of us (Ivalice, Yuki, myself) were at a Taco Bell next to this group of strange kids that yelled "Vagina" very loudly. The conversation somehow landed into talking about Princess and how Yuki needed to come up with something original. Hachi then followed this with "one-eyed Batman," which made everybody stop their thoughts AND at the same time, sputter and stutter. Ivalice then finally said, "WELL, SEND IT TO HIM!!" In which, Yuki did so. A few minutes later, Princess texted back: "Wtf?!"

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: still unsure, but we have agreed it to be an amazingly random product.

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